Performance and sound installation, Tintype Project Space, London, 2013

You have desires that are private, something beyond ambition, more like hope or guilt. A frequency, that rises into consciousness catching you off guard. We turn, out of necessity towards refuge.

Florence Peake worked in the gallery as Tintype’s 2013 Project Space artist throughout February. She conducted palm readings – a skill Peake learnt from her grandmother – and recorded interviews. From these she distilled, re-wrote and elaborated the source material: “getting to the nugget of what we obsess about; our preoccupations, fantasies, anxieties and intimate thoughts.”

Everyone’s private, ongoing thought processes can be both solace and torment; Peake explored the gap between inner and outer as a tension between inanimate, figurative carapaces, and the imagined interior lives being voiced. This cast of figures and their emotional, obsessive ruminations and musings were presented as a form of chorus.

Performers: Katye Coe, Joe Moran

Photos: Cameron Leadbetter